We reached Stockholm by morning 9. We booked for bus to Ludvika.
Bus driver stopped in a motel for our Lunch. Here was our breaking
We missed the bus. Frustration for some moments..........
We inquired one of a driver. They have taken us in their responsibility
and we 4 boarded in a separate bus. Plan was to catch our bus in the
middle of the way. But we couldn't. Finally the other bus driver
dropped us till Ludvika. They didn't charge even a single penny extra.
Think about the same case in India.....................
For more photos, http://picasaweb.google.com/drengaprasath/FinlandCruiseTrip?locked=true#
Ludvika, Sweden Tourist office - Open http://maps.google.com/ and give "60.150676,15.186703" as search location