Monday, July 12, 2010

The Psychology of Brain

I basically have interest to know about our central processing unit, nothing but about BRAIN. Recently i have seen some research work done in Stanford University. It was really amazing to see their work. U can also enjoy the same from the following videos. Click on the text to see the presentation video

Professor Krishna Shenoy is creating "brain-computer interfaces" that will enable paralyzed patients to control prosthetic arms and computer cursors. In this short talk, Shenoy describes how his team of Stanford researchers has built a system that achieves typing at 15 words-per-minute, just by "thinking about it"

Jennifer Raymond (Stanford University) is building a "wiring diagram" for the brain. By bridging the gap between individual synapses and whole-brain learning & memory, Raymond's research offers new insights and strategies for medical rehabilitation and K-12 education.

Stanford University's Brian Knutson is unraveling the mysteries of human desire with state-of-the-art medical imaging. Knutson's research sheds new light on how individuals make complex financial decisions, and offers new ways for alleviating schizophrenia.

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